Investing in You
We believe peace comes from within.
We’re here to help you find yours.
We started Shree because we recognized the need for a simple approach to relieving stress and improving well-being.
The holistic realm has always been complicated; the list of products & services available to help improve your physical and emotional well-being is never-ending. It can be really hard to know if you’re doing the right thing at the right time.
What can be even more difficult is committing to a routine and actually getting to see the long-term benefits—especially when the “recommended routine” is ever-changing.
Our goal at Shree is to change that.
Our Health & Wellness Kit
With a dedication of just 10-15 minutes twice per day, our Health & Wellness Kit is designed to provide you with a simple solution to overcome anxiety and reduce your stress levels.
For Everyone.
The benefits of daily ritual is for everyone, whether you’re a busy parent, consistently on the go or you have a mind that’s racing a mile a minute. This simple daily act of self-care and meditation will allow you to relax, recharge and take on the day.
We believe mantras should be accessible and relatable to everyone, all while being simple and easy to remember. Mantras shouldn’t be complicated and hard to decipher, or it will take away from the relaxing and restorative effects of the daily practice. Mantras and daily rituals shoudn’t require an electronic device — you should be able to completely disconnect from your phone or tablet.
Who Are We?
Shree was born out of the need to find a simple solution to a complicated problem. As the stress and pressure of our daily lives continued to increase, we found ourselves endlessly cycling through various wellness & health rituals that were either too complicated, too expensive, or too time-consuming. Mental-health therapy and wellness consultants can be effective, but present financial challenges. Often professionals are not available in those critical or late-night moments when the need to ground yourself and find an outlet is essential.
Stepped in ancient Indian tradition, the act of ritual and reciting of the daily mantra became a staple in our day-to-day life. Mantras have the power to change our mindset and approach every new day with calm and clear intentions.
The Shree brand slowly came to life through the collaboration of our family and friends, with the intention of sharing this powerful practice with those in need. Shree is a family-owned business based in Toronto, Ontario.
We believe that all joy starts with something small, hence the Health & Wellness kit - One mantra at a time!
Small. Simple. Effective. Affordable.
We believe that everyone can have the inner peace they deserve.